Airline Industry

Customer Story

Problem Statement

For every airline the customers are attracted due to either the prices of the flight or the service within the flight.

But, maintaining the same on every route might not bring the same result as customers travellings across different routes are of different cultures.

We were approached to come up with a strategy by which the in-flight sales can be increased.

Solutions Provided

We started with data analysis over all the data we had. We created clusters utilizing different parameters as core for them. Which allowed us to see the different possible clusters of customers as per their behaviors.

Once, the customers behaviors were recorded we mapped it with important dates (Festivities and Celebrations) for every route as per origin and destination.

We looked into the sales of the food as well as per the week-wise cycles again mapped to important dates. Once, we confirmed there was a pattern we used that to create a strategy on what to be sold in-flight and also gave particular instructions on what to be highlighted on each route.

Also, we did utilize this information to showcase the old customers about dates where they can enjoy a certain countries weather at best. Which is not only at time of rush but also on normal days where they can fly at lesser cost but enjoy the country they are visiting at best.