Fashion Industry

Customer Story

Problem Statement

Be it the fabrics or the colors or the way the accessories goes with the clothing. There could be a hundred things a fashion consultant has to put the head against to make the best product.

We witnessed a problem statement similar presented to us by a clothing brand. They wanted to increase their outreach to another stores but not by paying them out or providing huge discounts but by showcasing how premium their product is.

Solutions Provided

To make a product premium we did the most obvious of surely advertising it across all possible platforms. We hired influencers to promote our clothing across vaious social media platforms.

But, we also did something unique to this approach. One normally buy clothes more when it is connected to a trend in particular. We floated a new challenge online and it was in a way connected to our new clothing line.

We also utilized different influencers to showcase an image where customers felt that this new clothign line can make them feel more good. It automatically triggered large orders across our new clothing line in all regions.